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Welcome P&HCC Transfer Students

Where are you in your transfer journey? 

Patrick & Henry Community College believes in supporting students as they transition from community college to higher education institutions. Our goal is to provide the resources and guidance you need to navigate this important step in your academic journey.

Transferring to P&HCC

Admissions & Records/Registrar


Walker – Room 240.

Credits from similarly accredited institutions are usually accepted. Credits earned at institutions not accredited can be evaluated for possible transfer based on information such as course content, texts, evaluation methods, and faculty credentials. Students must submit an official transcript from previous institutions for evaluation. No credit is given for courses with grades lower than a ”C.”

Students with educational credentials from foreign countries must have a credit evaluation provided to the admissions office from a college-approved foreign credential evaluation service.

Transferring from P&HCC

Jennifer Hollyfield


Community college transfer students are individuals who have completed coursework at a community college and are now pursuing further education at a four-year institution. This diverse group includes students from various backgrounds, ages, and life experiences. They bring unique perspectives and skills developed during their time in community college, often seeking to expand their academic and career opportunities. The transfer process can be a vital step in achieving their educational goals, and many institutions offer tailored support to assist them in this transition.

Many Virginia colleges and universities have articulation agreements which guarantees admission for graduates from P&HCC or another Virginia community college with an associate degree and a minimum grade point average. To learn more, visit the student section on the Virginia Community College System website. Students planning to transfer from P&HCC should work with their P&HCC academic advisor to create a seamless transition to the four-year school of their choice.

The Virginia Education Wizard helps students explore careers, find college majors that match career interests, estimate and compare college costs, find and apply for financial aid and scholarships, and plan their transfer from community colleges to four‐year institutions.

Students wishing to transfer to a school that does not have an articulation agreement or before earning an associate degree should visit the specific institution’s website and view their Transfer Guide to compare courses taken at the community college to those which are given credit at the receiving institutions. These guides are updated frequently by the 4-year schools and should be referred to often to verify the accuracy and equivalencies of a particular course.

Several trips are planned for students to tour campuses throughout the year, typically in October and April.

This interactive Google Sheet offers essential information to help you transfer seamlessly to a four-year institution.

Explore Career Options

Are you a P&HCC student exploring career options before planning their transfer?

Undecided community college students are individuals who are still exploring their career interests and educational paths. They may be unsure about their major or future goals, and this period of exploration is crucial for making informed decisions about their transfer to a four-year institution. These students benefit from resources such as career counseling, workshops, and informational sessions that help them research various fields and understand the implications of different academic paths. By taking the time to explore their options, they can create a tailored transfer plan that aligns with their aspirations and strengths.

Explore Financial Aid Resources

Are you a P&HCC student exploring financial aid resources?

Students seeking financial aid information are individuals who want to understand the various options available to support their education. These students may be exploring grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs to help finance their studies at community college or during their transfer to a higher education institution. Access to comprehensive resources and guidance is essential for them to navigate the financial aid process effectively. By learning about financial aid opportunities, these students can make informed decisions that support their academic and career goals.

Timeline for Transferring

Explore this transfer timeline to help you stay organized and on track throughout the transfer process. This comprehensive resource outlines key milestones, important deadlines, and essential tasks, ensuring you have everything you need for a smooth transition.

News & Events

Major Information Sessions

Major Information Sessions at senior institutions are offered regularly to help you explore different academic pathways and make informed decisions about your future. It’s important to check your email for announcements about these sessions, as they contain dates, times, and details on how to participate. Stay connected and don’t miss out on these valuable opportunities! 

Transfer Workshops

Transfer Workshops will be offered during the Spring 2025 semester to guide you through the transfer process. Be sure to check your email regularly for announcements about dates and registration details, so you don’t miss these important sessions!

Student at Transfer Fair booth

P&HCC Transfer Team

Kenneth Guzman

Kenneth Guzman

disAbility/Transfer Advisor

LRC 109B; 276-656-5467

Jennifer Hollyfield

Jennifer Hollyfield

Chief Transfer Officer,

Transfer Counselor, Student Advisor


Megan Willis

Megan Willis

SEED Coordinator & Transfer Advisor

Walker 233; 276-656-0348

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