Patrick & Henry Scholars
Open to students who are graduating from a local high school (or home school program) and have at least 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. P&H Scholars are chosen for their superior academic achievement, civic involvement, and leadership potential. Students must plan to enroll in at least 12 credit hours at P&HCC in Fall 2025. This scholarship covers tuition and books.
VTIC Tobacco Scholarships
Open to students from the southside or southwest region of Virginia who plan to enroll at Patrick & Henry Community College for the 2025 fall semester. Students must have completed an approved high school program or GED. If the applicant has completed any prior college work, he/she must have a 2.0 or higher GPA.
Foundation Scholarships
To apply for any of the scholarships below, you simply need to complete our one-stop scholarship application. Once you complete the common application, you will automatically be considered for any of the scholarships below that you are eligible for. The deadline to apply is May 31.
Cristy Reynolds Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to first-generation, full-time students who demonstrate financial need and have a 2.5 GPA.
Archie W. Vipperman Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students who must demonstrate financial need and reside in Virginia. The recipient must have and maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and plan to pursue a four-year degree.
Dillow-Meador Scholarship: Awarded to a student enrolled in a degree or certificate program in good academic standing. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Emily Cheshire White Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Recipient must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Entre Nous Book Club Scholarship: Awarded to a resident of Martinsville or Henry County who demonstrates financial need and maintains a 2.5 grade point average. Preference is given to students planning to pursue an English major.
Follett Textbook Scholarship: Awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and have a 2.0 GPA.
Frank J. Still Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student who demonstrates financial need and maintains a 2.0 GPA.
Friends of Drewry Mason Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student who is a graduate of a Martinsville or Henry County school. Recipient must show financial need and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Henry County Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in a degree or certificate program. The recipient must reside in Martinsville or Henry County, maintain a 2.5 GPA, and demonstrate financial need.
Irving M. Groves, Jr. Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a student requiring financial need. Recipient must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
Jeff and Tracy Fields Applied Science Scholarship: Awarded to a student with demonstrated financial need.
Kathleen Smith Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student with a minimum 2.0 GPA. The student must be enrolled in a degree or certificate program and demonstrate financial need.
Myrtis and Jack Lester Scholarship: Awarded to a part-time student who demonstrates financial need. Recipient must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Roy C. Stone Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student who demonstrates financial need and has a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Walter N. Morris Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a student who demonstrates financial need and maintains a minimum 2.5 GPA. Preference is given to residents of Henry County, Patrick County, or the City of Martinsville.
Wiley T. Nance Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and are in good academic standing. Must have a 2.0 GPA.
William F. Stone, SR. Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and who provide a letter of recommendation from a non-relative attesting to this quality.
A.L. Philpott Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students maintaining a 2.5 GPA. Financial need, leadership ability, and extracurricular activities are considered. First priority given to Bassett High School graduates; second priority given to students from Martinsville or Henry County high schools meeting criteria.
Christopher J. Parker Executive Director Scholarship: Awarded to a student with a 3.0 GPA if a current P&HCC student or a 3.5 GPA if a current high school graduate. Recipients are expected to make a presentation to the Foundation Board at a fall meeting.
Community Service Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to students demonstrating a commitment to community service and students who have diagnosed, documented attention deficit disorder (ADD) or another learning disability. Recipients must maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA at P&HCC.
Dr. Angeline Godwin and Jim Hatten Presidential Leadership Scholarship: Awarded to a member of the Presidential Student Leadership Cabinet. The student must have significant community service involvement, extracurricular activities, documented and/or innovative activity, and leadership experience. The student must have a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher and a P&HCC GPA of 3.0 or higher. One letter of recommendation must be submitted from teaching faculty or administration.
Gerald L. Baliles Commonwealth Legacy Scholarship: Awarded to first-time, full-time students who plan to enroll at P&HCC for the 2016 fall and 2017 spring semesters. Students must have demonstrated potential leadership and academic excellence and have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Deadline to return the completed application along with required application documents to the Foundation Office is May 31.
H. Clay Earles Endowed Scholarship: A scholarship is awarded each year to an entering freshman who attained at least a “B” average upon graduating from high school.
Ivey C. Stone Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students with demonstrated financial need, a 2.5 GPA, and involvement in community service.
Martinsville Rotary Club Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time students; provide a list of completed courses and achievements; provide a letter stating goals, ambitions, and why they are deserving of the scholarship. Preference is given to students with community involvement. Recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
Mystical Riders Motorcycle Organization Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Mystical Riders Motorcycle Organization, a non-profit organization that engages people from all walks of life who have two common interests – the motorcycle and becoming more active in addressing the priority needs of our community. By charity fund raising, investing funds, and volunteering service, the organization is committed to making a positive impact for those who need it most while promoting a positive image of the motorcycle community. Applicants must have a 2.0 GPA and attach a biographical statement of school, church, and community involvement.
Patrick Henry Scholars: Up to ten students are selected from high schools in the college’s service region (Patrick County, Henry County, and the City of Martinsville) and granted a full tuition scholarship. Awarded to students who display academic and leadership potential. Recipients must maintain a 3.2 GPA at P&HCC and perform volunteer, community service, and extracurricular activities while a member of the scholars program. Patrick Henry Scholars are members of a prestigious community of scholars and are provided an intense and enriching college experience through activities and services designed to create a stimulating learning environment. They receive special recognition as a group and individually for this distinguished achievement.Interested students can apply on the P&HCC website during February and March.
Peggy Spencer Memorial Scholarship: Established by Albert Prillaman in memory of Peggy Spencer who was employed at Stanley Furniture Company from 1958-1991 as an administrative assistant. Peggy Spencer exemplified efficiency and professionalism. This scholarship is awarded to a student maintaining a 3.0 GPA and who is a resident of Martinsville and Henry County.
Sylvester and Marie F. Turner Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to residents of Henry County with demonstrated financial need, community service, and a 3.0 GPA.
Virginia Foundation for Community College Education (VFCCE) Commonwealth Legacy: Awarded to full-time, associate degree seeking students who plan to graduate from a Virginia Community College. Selections are based on academic excellence to students who demonstratie a willingness to promote community college education, show a willingness to mentor future scholars, and demonstrate a commitment to developing leadership potential.
Tobacco Commission Stem-H Scholarship: Elgible applicants must be enrolled in a STEM-H program of study and indicate the program of study on the application.
Alice Lester Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students with first priority given to residents of the counties of Henry, Patrick, or the city of Martinsville, and to those in the following curriculums: business, nursing, occupational/technical, applied science, or engineering technology. P&HCC students who continue their education with an affiliated on-campus program of a four-year institution may qualify.
Barbara Emmett Richman Memorial Scholarship: Available to students accepted to the nursing program or pre-med students. Recipient must be full-time and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Betty Jane Simpson Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a deserving student enrolled in the nursing program. The student must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Dr. J.W. Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students who express the intention of entering a medical field: pre-med, nursing, biological sciences, medical/health technology, or health-related program. Recipients must maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Dr. Jethro Hurt Irby Endowed Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to students preparing for a nursing career who are enrolled for at least nine credits and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Gretchen Freeman Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student in the nursing field. Recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
Jessie Frye Rhodes Nursing Uniform Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the RN or PN programs who have demonstrated financial need, a 2.5 GPA, and are residents in a P&HCC service area.
Jessie Frye Rhodes Nursing Textbook Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the RN or PN programs who have demonstrated financial need, a 2.5 GPA, and are residents in a P&HCC service area.
Jessie H Key Memorial Nursing Scholarship: Presented at the LPN pinning ceremony to a student planning to begin work in the geriatric field. Award helps cover expenses of licensing exam, uniforms, and nursing shoes.
Jessie Frye Rhodes Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to nursing students in their final semester and who are eligible for graduation from the PN and RN program. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, have a 3.0 GPA, reside in the P&HCC service area, and submit an additional essay. The donor requests funds awarded be applied to the cost of NCLEX testing.
Kathy Whitley Honorary Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to a second-year nursing student with a 2.5 GPA. A letter of recommendation is required from a member of the nursing faculty.
Martinsville Henry County Lions Club Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in a degree or certificate program. The student must have a 2.5 GPA and be a resident of the city of Martinsville or Henry County. First preference is given to the son, daughter, or grandchild of a current Martinsville Lions Club member; second preference is given to the son, daughter, or grandchild of any past member; third preference is given to the son, daughter, or grandchild of a current member of any Lions Club. Preference is also given to students pursuing a career in medicine, nursing, or a health-related field.
Martinsville Memorial Fellows Nursing Scholarship: Given to students enrolled in the associate degree nursing program. Applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from a member of the P&HCC nursing faculty and participate in an interview with Memorial Hospital of Martinsville and Henry County (MHMHC) representatives. Students must have a 3.0 GPA and commit to an employment term with MHMHC upon completion of the fellows program.
Memorial Hospital of Mhc Volunteer Auxiliary Board Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to a City of Martinsville resident and a Henry County resident enrolled in the PN or RN program. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, be enrolled full-time, and maintain a 2.5 GPA. The award can be used for tuition, books, and associated nursing program fees.
Mid-Atlantic Broadband Stem-H Textbook Scholarship: Awarded to a graduate of a high school in the Southside Tobacco region within the Mid Atlantic Broadband footprint. Students must be enrolled in a STEM-H program of study and have a 3.2 GPA.
Sandra Moore Estes Memorial Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the RN or PN programs. Preference given to single mothers. An additional essay submission is required.
Sarah L. Mansfield, RN, Memorial Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to a first year student in fall semester and a second year student in the spring semester. Applicants must be enrolled in the RN program with preference given to displaced homemakers. An additional essay submission is required. Funds can be used for supportive services such as uniforms, shoes, NCLEX study guide, and the cost of state boards.
Sylvia Adams Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to a nursing student in good academic standing. Preference given to students planning to work in the nursing field in Henry County.
Virginia Transformer Corporation Scholarship: Applicants must be a resident of Patrick County, have a 3.5 GPA in math and science courses, have an overall GPA of 3.2, be enrolled or planning to enroll in a transfer program majoring in math or science careers such as industrial electronics, general engineering, information systems technology, biology, chemistry, pre-med, or mathematics. An essay addressing specific questions is required.
Wells Fargo CNA Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the core CNA program with a 2.5 GPA and demonstrated financial need. Priority given to dislocated workers.
Bill Brammer Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students demonstrating financial need. Priority given to employees or dependents of employees of Bassett Furniture, then to Bassett High School graduates. Recipients must have and maintain a cumulative a minimum 2.5 GPA.
CMP-HR Electrical Engineering Scholarship: Awarded to a resident or native of Patrick County who graduated from Patrick County High School and is a first-year student at P&HCC. Applicants must be enrolled in a transfer curriculum planning to major in electrical engineering, provide two letters of recommendation, and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
CMP-HR Human Resources Scholarship: Awarded to a resident or native of Patrick County who graduated from Patrick County High School and is a first year student at P&HCC. Students must be enrolled in a transfer curriculum planning to major in human resources or business, provide two letters of recommendation, and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Corporal Jonathan Bowling Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to graduates of Patrick County High School planning to attend P&HCC and work in a public service field such as criminal justice, firefighting, paramedic, EMT, nursing, and education.
Emory and Gertrude Harris Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to Patrick County High School graduates who demonstrate financial need and are interested in careers in law enforcement, healthcare, or agriculture.
Figsboro-Pleasant Grove Endowed Scholarship: Two scholarships are awarded to students living within 25 miles of the Franklin County-Henry County line on state road 108-890. Preference given to students living in the Franklin County or Figsboro communities. Applicants must have a 2.0 grade point average, demonstrate financial need, be of good character, and be active in the community.
Henry County Rotary Club Annual Scholarship: Awarded to an entering P&HCC freshman who has a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA and graduated from a Martinsville or Henry County high school.
Iris Whitlow Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a Patrick County High School graduate enrolled full-time and has a 2.5 GPA. Priority given to students planning a career in the business field.
Kate Legard Honorary Scholarship: Established by Albert Prillaman in honor of Kate Legard, an administrative assistant who retired from Stanley Furniture Company. Awarded to a student who maintains a 3.0 GPA and is a resident of Martinsville and Henry County.
Kiwanis General Scholarship: Awarded to a graduate of Bassett, Martinsville, or Magna Vista High School enrolled full-time with a 3.0 GPA.
Ron and Mary B Haley Educational Scholarship: Awarded to Patrick County High School graduates with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Samuel Byrd and Beatrice Minter May Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in a degree or certificate program who resides in Fieldale. Students should demonstrate financial need and earn a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA.
Stanley Family Scholarship: Given to a Bassett/Stanleytown area resident enrolling as a freshman in an occupational or technical program. May be renewed for a second year provided the student maintains good academic standing at P&HCC.
Cindy Deal Medical Office Specialization Scholarship: Awarded to a student enrolled in the Administrative Support Technology, Medical Office Specialization, is a native of Martinsville or Henry County, and has a 2.0 GPA.
Lois Virginia Anderson Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to Medical Office Specialization students with a 2.75 GPA.
Manesha Ward Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to Administration of Justice students with demonstrated financial need and a 3.0 GPA. Priority given to single parents.
Mike Rogers Honorary Scholarship: Awarded to full-time Administration of Justice students with a 2.5 GPA.
Paul Grubb Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to an Administration of Justice student enrolled in at least six semester credits with demonstrated financial need and a minimum overall 2.0 GPA.
William R. Jamison, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: For full-time, Administration of Justice P&HCC students with demonstrated financial need and 2.5 GPA.
Charles C. Bassett III Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to Martinsville or Henry County residents enrolled in business administration, business technology/management, or computer aided drafting and design (CADD) with a 3.0 GPA.
Ellen P Gale Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a business or education student with a 2.5 GPA and demonstrated financial need.
F. L. Owens Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a student accepted in the Business Technology program who can demonstrate financial need. Recipient must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
James Burness Frith Business Administration Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to full-time business administration students with demonstrated financial need and a 3.0 GPA (or high school 3.5 GPA if enrolling directly out of high school). Priority given to first generation college students.
John & Sally Hanbury Vice Presidential Scholarship: Awarded to a business administration, accounting, or legal assisting student with a 2.5 GPA and demonstrated financial need.
Sells, Hogg, and Associates Scholarship: Awarded to a student enrolled in a business curriculum with a 2.5 GPA.
Smith International Studies Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students planning to pursue a career in international business with a 3.0 GPA.
Valley Star Credit Union Scholarship: Awarded to full-time business students with demonstrated financial need. Recipient must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Priority given to sophomore level students.
Mary Grace Adkins Culinary Arts Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Helen B. Racey Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time, needy student in the educational field.
Jack a Mullins SR. Memorial Athletic and Educational Scholarship: Awarded to a student-athlete enrolled in the education curriculum and aspires to be a teacher. Recipient must be enrolled full-time, be in good standing with athletic team, and have a 2.75 GPA.
Wanda Parker and Margaret Mullins Educational Scholarship: Awarded to a student enrolled in the education curriculum planning to be a teacher. Students must have a 2.75 GPA.
Wesley F. Martin Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a student who demonstrates financial need, is enrolled in an education program, and must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Lloyd S. Swain Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a student who demonstrates financial need and is enrolled in the electronics/electrical technology program. Recipient must maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Steve Branch Stem Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the General Engineering Technologies curriculum with a 2.5 GPA.
Alma M. Dillon Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a horticulture major with demonstrated community service. Recipient must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Smith Mountain Lake Garden Club Horticultural Annual Scholarship: Awarded to horticulture, viticulture, or agribusiness students enrolled in at least six credits who have a 2.0 GPA at time of application. Student must provide two letters of recommendation.
Melvin L. Adkins Agribusiness Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to agribusiness students with priority given to Future Farmers of America (FFA) members. Students must be enrolled full-time, demonstrate financial need, maintain a 3.0 GPA, and have at least a 3.0 high school GPA if enrolling directly out of high school.
Human Services Scholarship: Students must be enrolled in the Human Services certificate program, have a 2.5 GPA , and demonstrate financial need.
Dean David Deal Technology Scholarship: Awarded to Information Technology student with preference given to a graduate of Martinsville High School. Student must be enrolled full-time and have a 2.5 GPA.
Alison Bailey Parker Media Production Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the Media Production curriculum with a 2.75 GPA.
Big C Motorsports Scholarship: Awarded to motorsports students with a 3.0 GPA.
Gene Haas Foundation Scholarship: Awarded to full-time General Engineering or Motorsports students with a 3.0 GPA. Applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from a high school or college faculty member or administrator.
Wood Brothers Honorary Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time Motorsports student with a 2.5 GPA.
Alison Bailey Parker General Studies Music Specialization Memorial Endowed Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the General Studies Music Specialization curriculum. Students must have a 2.75 GPA.
Dan Spaugh Memorial Theatre Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the General Studies Performing Arts Specialization with a 3.0 GPA.
Roslyn Wingett Visual Arts Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time General Studies Visual Arts Specialization student. Applicant must present a portfolio during a committee interview.
George W. Lester III Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the General Studies transfer curriculum with a 3.0 GPA.
J.D. Bassett, SR. Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student who demonstrates financial need. Priority given to Henry County, Patrick County, and Martinsville residents enrolled in a transfer curriculum.
Thomas Page Dalton Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in the General Studies transfer curriculum and who are residents of Martinsville or Henry County.
Virginia Tech Transfer Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a student in the final semester of studies intending to transfer to Virginia Tech. Recipient must have been enrolled in a transfer program of study, have a 2.5 GPA, and demonstrate intention of their transfer and enrollment at Virginia Tech.
Beta Sigma Phi, Virginia XI Epsilon Chapter Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time, female student 25 years of age or older who is financially and academically deserving and have a 3.0 GPA.
H. Earl Bullard Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to residents of the Fieldale area at least 25 years of age who demonstrates community involvement and financial need. Recipients must maintain good academic standing
Dean Hodges Workforce Development Scholarship: Awarded to a student who has met entrance requirements for a non-credit workforce development certification program and who is not eligible for other training funds.
Workforce Development Programs Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in workforce programs.
Dr. Ron and Wendy Epperly Family Softball Scholarship: Awarded to a female student-athlete who is a signed member of the P&HCC softball team. Recipient must be enrolled full-time with a 3.0 GPA.
H. Grady Moore, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time, female P&HCC student participating in an athletics program and who has a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Max & Roslyn Wingett Athletic Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time, student-athlete with a 3.0 GPA.
Roy Lessly Memorial Athletic Scholarship: Awarded to students who are active members of an athletics team. Students must have demonstrated financial need and a 3.0 GPA.
Wayne Haley Memorial Golf Scholarship: Awarded to a signed member of the P&HCC golf team who is enrolled full-time and has a 3.0 GPA.
Blue Ridge Human Resource Association Scholarship: Awarded to a student who is an employee or dependent of an employee of a Blue Ridge Human Resources Association member company with a 3.0 GPA.
Christopher M. Abercrombie Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to qualified students who are graduates of a high school in Martinsville or Henry County and who are enrolled as full-time students in the college transfer program. Preference given to children of Virginia Mirror Company, Inc. employees.
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Scholarship: The General Joseph Martin Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution awards a scholarship to a student enrolled in the nursing curriculum. Students must be a resident of Martinsville/Henry County, maintain a 2.0 GPA, and demonstrate financial need.
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Scholarship: The Patrick Henry Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution awards a scholarship to a student who has a 3.0 GPA, is a U.S. citizen, and is a resident of Martinsville or Henry County.
Dr. Greg and Renee Hodges Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student who has successfully completed developmental education credits and has a 2.5 GPA. Priority given to students planning a career in the education field.
Eleanor Saslaw Commonwealth Legacy Scholarship: Awarded to a full-time student who is a first or second year student in good standing at P&HCC, is a legal resident of Virginia, and has a 2.5 GPA.
Evelyn Lawing Educational Endowed Scholarship: Awarded to students who reside within a 200-mile radius of the Henry County Clerks Office whose family income must be less than $80,000 if one college student is enrolled and less than $95,00
Outside Scholarships
There are many thousands of scholarships available on the web! Below are just a few such scholarships which are not provided by P&HCC.
- Community Foundation
Who: Graduating high school seniors and current/new college students.
Apply: Each scholarship may have different criteria. Read carefully and apply for only those for which you qualify.
- Community Foundation
- JT Minnie Maude Trust
Who: U.S. citizens who reside and who have resided for a minimum of twelve (12) consecutive months at the time of application in the Virginia counties of Halifax, Henry and Pittsylvania and the North Carolina counties of Caswell and Rockingham (including all towns or cities located therein). GPA, enrollment status, and other criteria may apply.
- JT Minnie Maude Trust
- Health Careers Scholarship
Who: This scholarship is given primarily to students in Southwest Virginia with financial need who plan to complete a health career program.
- Health Careers Scholarship
- Virginia Space Grant Consortium
Who: You must be currently enrolled full-time in a STEM program at a Virginia Community College. Must be a US citizen. (Allied health majors are not eligible).
- Virginia Space Grant Consortium
- Virginia Nursing Scholarship (Mary Marshall Scholarship)
Who: You must be currently enrolled in the Nursing Program. Must be a Virginia resident and US citizen with a cumulative GPA of 2.50 and demonstrate financial need.
- Virginia Nursing Scholarship (Mary Marshall Scholarship)
- Hughes Memorial Foundation
Who: You must be a US citizen. Must be a full-time status student with a minimum of 12 credit hours. Must demonstrate academic success with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and demonstrate financial need. The application must be completed accurately.
- Hughes Memorial Foundation
Private Student Loans
Private Student Loans (also known as alternative loans) are offered by many lending institutions and are designed to help fund educational expenses not met by other means. Private Student Loans are credit based, may require a co-signer and have varying interest rates depending on the lender. Private Student Loans should be considered only after a student has exhausted grant and scholarship options.
Patrick & Henry Community College students have used a variety of lending institutions for obtaining additional funding. Our college does not provide a preferred lenders list, and students should carefully research lending options. Once a student has completed the information needed by the lender, the Financial Aid Office will receive information by the lender to certify the loan. Certification of a loan confirms a student’s academic level, enrollment, and projected term of graduation.