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About the P&HCC Police Department

Important Safety Information

All PHamily members are asked to review important safety information to ensure a comfortable learning environment for everyone while on campus.

The Mission of the P&HCC Police Department

The Patrick & Henry Community College Police Department’s mission is to provide a safe and secure campus for our community. We believe that our role does not end there. We feel strongly that our community needs both to be safe and feel safe. The perception of safety contributes to the overall college experience, facilitates teaching and learning, and supports the mission of Patrick & Henry Community College.

We strive to enforce the law as well as college rules and regulations in a manner that supports the missions of both the College Police Department and Patrick & Henry Community College whenever and wherever possible. The Patrick & Henry Community College Police Department believes by embracing a proactive Community Policing/Customer Service Based philosophy, we will be able to create a partnership with our campus constituents, as well as our neighbors. A close community partnership is the best way to prevent crime and enhance safety. We will preserve public safety and foster a better quality of life by providing the services necessary to accomplish this mission and make the college a better place to work, visit and learn.

Authority and Jurisdiction

The Patrick & Henry Community College Police Department is governed by Virginia Code 23-233. College Police have the duties, responsibilities, and the authority of any duly organized police department. P&HCC’s Police Department interacts with the state/local judicial system in relevant cases and assist other law enforcement agencies in carrying out their mission. All sworn police officers are entrusted to preserve the public peace, protect life and property, enforce and uphold the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. They have authority to conduct criminal investigations, make arrests, and carry firearms. Patrick & Henry Community College police officers routinely patrol various college locations, both on foot and by vehicle as well as respond to police, fire or medical emergency calls. Our police department works closely with local, state, and federal authorities to ensure the safety of our campus community.

The Patrick & Henry Community College Police Department’s jurisdiction is primarily defined by the geographic limits of property owned or controlled by the college and areas contiguous to them. The department also provides assistance to neighboring law enforcement agencies when needed.